Nerrt's Meatless Kubbi Balls with Yogurt

>> Tuesday, May 11, 2010



1 ½ cups bulgar (not course, the fine - na3am)
1 cup flour
¼ cup water (as needed)
Salt and pepper to taste
  • You can either use the bulgar dry, add the flour, salt, pepper and ¼ cup of water and mix. OR You can clean the bulgar with water (which is what I prefer), drain water, and then add the flour, salt, and pepper ( with this method, you probably will not require the ¼ cup of water since you've already soaked the bulgar with water).
  • If the mixture is too dry, you add more water. If it's too moist, you can let it sit approx 5 minutes uncovered to let it dry up a bit. If it's still too moist, you can add more flour.
  •  In the meantime, heat water in a pot and bring it to a boil.
  • Take a handful of the mixture and roll it between your hands working it to form a long piece (like a rope).
  • Holding the long piece in one hand, use the index finger and thumb from the other hand to cut it into individual pieces no more than an inch long.
  • Once you finish cutting the long piece, take the small individual pieces and roll them into balls between the palms of both hands. I've mastered doing 3-4 at a time.
  • Repeat steps 4-6 until the entire mixture is formed into balls. You should keep a small bowl of water to dip your hands and to help re-mix the mixture if it gets too dry.
  • Place the balls into the pot with boiling water. Do not cover. Boil approx. 10 - 15 minutes until the balls are cooked. Adjust heat accordingly so it doesn't overflow.
  • Drain balls and water into strainer. Place into a dish.
  •  Add yogurt and serve.
  • Options: You can add minced garlic, or powdered garlic, dried mint, and/or salt if desired.
  • The meatless kibbi balls can be refrigerated with yogurt added later.
Note: Believe it or not, I find this a quick meal as I make it in the morning before I go to work, and it takes me around 30 minutes. It's a great meal in the summer….very cool, refreshing, and filling. The above measurements will feed 2 adults and 2 kids. See pictures to help you out.


Anonymous,  September 22, 2010 at 10:57 PM  

i've been looking for a meatless kubbi recipe for years, since our local mediterranean place stopped making it. they served it baked in a pan, as a loaf, and with tahini sauce, I'm going to try this one, it looks promising! thank you for sharing!

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